domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

introduction and conclusion essay

Christmas is only the cover of a big business which move serious amounts of money all over the world, and we are just a puppet of this trick.

it is used to say that christmas was one of the most important holiday in the world because of  several things; religious beliefs, because there are reencounter of family members that are far or just with no time to see each other, people are happier, more solidary, the streets are with lights... everything  seems to be perfect, but in my opinion the reality is that all of that is just business. christmas is the time of  waste, the time of spend many and many money in things that are not necessary , things that you can buy in many other circumstances cheaper but people need to buy on Christmas. Even if you are at home or out of it all the messages that you could receive in that dates is to spend and spend  and waste money  anywhere, in anything, for anybody.
It's a shame, but it's the reality and every year it's going to be worts if we don't do something.

As a conclusion christmas is only a amazing game for companies in which we are just one more toy.
Merry Christmas?

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